Peter Mott House


Gifts to the Society allow us to fulfill our mission to collect, preserve and share documents, artifacts and information that detail Peter and Elizabeth Mott’s legacy and Lawnside’s history as part of the Underground Railroad.

Your contributions also support special programs and projects including exhibitions and events. Donate now and help make the Society a place where history happens.

One-Time Donation

Recurring Donation

Check the box to “Make this a monthly donation” on your checkout Donation page.

We would not exist without your support – so thank you!

Mott House Tour Requests - Small Groups
This form is used to book small groups of at least 5 people at the Peter Mott House. Individuals and smaller groups should plan on Saturday walk-ins visits from 12 to 3 PM.
Step 1 of 4

Trip Info

Please tell us your ideal date to visit.
Select the ideal time of day for your visit.