Underground Railroad Youth Camp 2022

Camp Counelors running with children across a field
Credit: Camp Counelors running with children across a field
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Monday, June 27 – Friday,  July 1, 2022


Get on Board! Learn about the Underground Railroad!

This is a wonderful opportunity to inspire young minds about the resiliency of enslaved people and those that helped navigate the Underground Railroad.  Campers will also learn about the unique history of Lawnside, NJ – the first black town incorporated in the northeast.

Students selected from communities around the area will be engaged in active, hands-on learning activities that enrich and enhance knowledge of the Underground Railroad and Lawnside as a historic town.  

Thanks to the Camden County Historical and Cultural Heritage Commission, there is no cost for student participation.   

Apply by completing the application below.

Applications are CLOSED.

The program is made possible by grants from the Camden County Cultural and Heritage Commission, the officially designated county history agency of the New Jersey Historical Commission, and the New Jersey Council for the Humanities from the National Endowment for the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan Act.


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Mott House Tour Requests - Small Groups
This form is used to book small groups of at least 5 people at the Peter Mott House. Individuals and smaller groups should plan on Saturday walk-ins visits from 12 to 3 PM.
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